The great data migration of 2014

… or at least, that’s how I’ll remember it.

Since getting my new camera in the middle of August (2013), I’ve managed to fill the vacant Terrabyte  of my NAS dedicated to photography. Everything that ever shot with a digital camera, minus what was lost in the unfortunate events of 5/22/2010*, is stored on a RAID-1 array of 3TB discs in a network attached storage enclosure.

Enough techspeak. I ran out of space. I needed more.

Wonder Twins

I purchased two 4TB drives to add to the party. This should hold me over for a year or so… I decided to organize my backups a bit while waiting for the drives to be delivered. I have several backups of my work, on several different types of media. There are 3 external hard drives, many, many blu-rays, and cloud storage. The externals were a bit mis-managed, having no real structure to what was stored on them. My decision to straighten all of this out has taken several days and is not yet completed. The new drives are hanging out, in their anti-static bags, ready to spin into action. In the meantime, here’s what is on my desktop:

So. Many. Drives.
So. Many. Drives.

It is very similar to the puzzle game that asks you to create an image by sliding pieces around a single blank space. Can I move all of the weddings onto the 1.5TB drive? How about the 635GB “Done” folder that houses all of my full resolution, polished images that are ready to print? Which drive can that go on?  On top of what’s happening on screen, there’s a pile of stuff on the desk.

Desktop Madness

I hope to have things straightened out at some point tomorrow. It is painful to NOT be out shooting.






* many images were lost on that dark night when I saw my hard drives take flight from the 3rd floor. Want to hear about it? It is an in-person, over beers kind of tale only. Fortunately, I’m not upset about it… just sad.