Monthly Archives: January 2016

Picture A Day 2016

Well, it is a leap year again. The last one found me doing a picture a day project. It was successful in a variety of ways for me. It got me to try something a little different every day, go to a lot of places, and stay disciplined to shoot, edit, and post an image every singe day of 2012. The rules were simple. I had to shoot a single frame image (no multiple frame images, panoramas, etc) between 12:01am and 11:59pm, edit it (without modifying the image beyond simple color correction and my usual set of filters), and post it that day. It started off easy, but became challenging at times to come up with something fresh and fun every day.

Well, it is a leap year again, so why not give it another go? I’m fresh out of a dry spell and revving my (photographic) engine to make this happen to the best of my abilities. I’m going to try to keep up with posting to four locations:

I’m already 21 days in without missing one. I have to catch the blog up to speed, but from here on out, I’ll do my best to keep all of the above listed locations up to date.

I’m hoping that it will be an exciting journey, and I’ve yet to have a boring one!

Thanks for joining me!

My favorites of 2015

I’m a little late to this party, but I’d still like to share my 25 favorites from 2015. It was a slow year for creativity. The store I shared in Downtown Pittsburgh sapped a lot of my free time for the last third of the year, but I’m still happy with a lot of the work I made. Have a look and see if any of your favorites are in there as well!
Framing The Squall
Framing The Squall
Steam On A 0 Degree Day
Steam On A 0 Degree Day
Coldest Office In The City
Coldest Office In The City
Winter At McConnells Mill
Winter At McConnells Mill
Stage Right
Stage Right
A Tale Of Driving In Pittsburgh
A Tale Of Driving In Pittsburgh
A Chilly Dawn At The Overlook
A Chilly Dawn At The Overlook
An Icy Path To The City
An Icy Path To The City
Behind The Frozen Waterfall
Behind The Frozen Waterfall
A Quiet Place To Rest Your Bones
A Quiet Place To Rest Your Bones
Layers Of Color Over A City Of Steel
Layers Of Color Over A City Of Steel
An Explosion Of Spring Colors
An Explosion Of Spring Colors
Mama Limpkin And Child
Mama Limpkin And Child
Moonlit Beach Portrait
Moonlit Beach Portrait
A Golden Backdrop
A Golden Backdrop
Breaking Symmetry
Breaking Symmetry
Inner Growth
Inner Growth
A Passage To The Steel City
A Passage To The Steel City
The Milky Way Core
The Milky Way Core
Reflected In The Fountain
Reflected In The Fountain
Autumn Sunrise In The City
Autumn Sunrise In The City
Hugged By Low Clouds
Hugged By Low Clouds
Steeltown Tannenbaum
Steeltown Tannenbaum

The Top Of The Glass Tower
The Top Of The Glass Tower