Down Low On The Trail
Sometimes taking a walk is enough to stimulate creativity. I had been sitting inside editing for most of the morning and just needed to get outside. It was cold, slightly rainy, slightly snowy, and overall dreary. I thought that the Montour Trail might cheer me up. I parked at a new spot, grabbed my gear, and headed off towards a bridge and tunnel. I ran into a few brave souls out for exercise or the same “head clearing” that I was after. After about a mile, it started to fog up. from around the bend, this bridge came into view and I immediately thought to shoot it with my telephoto from far away and compress the scene. I really liked that shot, but wanted to get closer. I switched to the medium zoom, composed, and snapped a few, but wanted to get even closer. I traded lenses for the ultrawide and got really low for this final composition. I was so engrossed in my shot that I didn’t notice a jogger coming up behind me and running right past as the shutter closed. I apologized for blocking the path and also for being so startled. She seemed to laugh as she went on about her jog. While processing this image, I went back and forth on the color version and the black & white. I ultimately went with the black and white to accentuate the contrast between the straight lines of the bridge and the curves of the trees.