This year came out of nowhere and gave every single one of us a wake-up. Our “way of life” can be completely changed in less than a month’s time. Most things came to a grinding halt. Some never started up again. We’ve persevered and hopefully we’ve become stronger because of it.
I’m extremely glad for my photography, this year above any in memory. It has reinforced my purpose and provided an excuse to push through this interesting year. Every leap year I do a picture a day project (one a day for 366). That gave me something to focus on throughout the worst of things. As with every picture a day project, I love how it pushes me outside of my comfort zone. This year I did more portraiture and concentrated more on visual movement through the images. I hope that their emotion comes through.
Here I submit my fifty favorites from the year, with a bonus, since it is leap year. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed capturing them! Here’s to an exciting yet safe 2021!

All images are available for print from my website.