A few more
©2009 DivineMayhemStudios
A few more
©2009 DivineMayhemStudios
I have been averaging 60 images a day in editing, pusing a select few into Photoshop for some real polishing. Here are a few of my favorites so far.
©2009 DivineMayhemStudios
I finished photographing a large wedding this Saturdayfor a great couple and decided that I wanted to share my process of editing.
A 12 hour day of shooting yielded 920 images. (Pam, yes… I’ve calmed down a bit) The first order of business was to import them into a seperate Adobe Lightroom catalog. I also import them into my main catalog with minimal previews after I’ve completed the final edits.
So, images imported on Sunday afternoon. Yes, I slept in and had a wonderful breakfast with my girl. I had a brief look-through to pick out a few favorites. I chose 5 from memory before even seeing them. They were ones that stood out the moment I took the shot. I flagged them and did the minimal adjustments from camera raw in the develop module. A bump in vibrance and clarity is usually all it takes. I open the images in Photoshop CS4 and proceed to polish the images.
I save and post the pics on my studio page on facebook. This is enough time with the images for day one.
Day two.
I proceed to make a first cut by looking through all of the images in Lightroom. I hit the tilde (~) key to assign an image a flag that will help me sort later. 920 images later, 756 make it through the first cut.
I take generous breaks from spending too much time with the images during the first two cuts so that I can start each round with a clear head and little bias.
Tomorrow will narrow the images to somewhere around 600. Hopefully.
©2008 DivineMayhemStudios
So after a few tweaks, the site is nearly whole! I have added more galleries and should have the remainder completed in the next week or so. I’m waiting on a disc from Pam that contains more of my wedding material. So far, I just have a few select wedding pics up, but plan on breaking them down into couples with their own galleries.
The previous galleries seemed to load awful slowly, so I decreased the quality (grimace) and shrunk the full view size by 50px. Hopefully this makes it more viewable. If you have any feedback, feel free to shoot it my way.
©2009 DivineMayhemStudios
Well, the website is nearly done. I have another section description to make and some galleries to upload, but I believe that we’re in business.
Finally, a decent way to showcase all of my photographic work.
I will continue to update via DeviantArt, but this will be where I point people to when they need to see the best work.
Thanks to all that have helped out on this.
Soon there will even be music from Chip!
©2008 DivineMayhemStudios
Sunday, November 23rd, the skies were not cloudy, there was no snow, and I was able to get some fantastic shots of my first wedding with my new camera. Teake is sensitive to flash, so I left it in the bag and captured all of these with available light. I’m really pleased at how well the D300 performed in low light!